
Computing has scientific roots, and if it is not open source, it is not science. The only way to win a Nobel Prize for a box welded shut is if you teleport the cat out before Schrödinger’s infernal device kills it.

– Poul-Henning Kamp: Free and Open Source Software—and Other Market Failures. ACMQueue Vol. 22, issue 1.

Den bløde bøde

If a “fine” is less than the profit from the infraction, it’s not a fine, it’s a business expense.

If a “fine” isn’t a fixed percentage of assets, it’s not a fine, it’s a poor tax.

If a “fine” only serves to enrich the government, not to make those harmed by the infraction whole, it’s not a fine, it’s a revenue stream.

If a “fine” is adjudicated by people who profit from the business being fined, it’s not a fine, it’s a stock buyback.

Intertial Invites på Mastodon (link til indlæg)

Perspektiv inkl. teknologi

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that, in my opinion, *computing* itself is only tenuously about computers, and the sooner everyone gets on board with that – the sooner tech enthusiasts stop behaving like they have all the questions as well as all the answers to the world’s problems, and the sooner the rest of us stop playing the Emperor’s New Clothes in awe of their opaque bullshit – the safer we’ll all be.

Jenny Andrew på Mastodon – link til indlæg

Jeg er ikke imponeret af det her hjørne på kortet

Je ne suis pas plus moderne qu’ancien, pas plus Français que Chinois, et l’idée de la patrie c’est-à-dire l’obligation où l’on est de vivre sur un coin de terre marqué en rouge ou en bleu sur la carte et de détester les autres coins en vert ou en noir m’a paru toujours étroite, bornée et d’une stupidité féroce.

– Gustave Flaubert, Brev til Louise Colet 26. august 1846