Hokus Fokus

Mens voksne bruger det nedsættende begreb Curlingbørn, så tager de selv raskt ud i weekenden og modtager en medalje for at gennemføre et ligegyldigt motionsløb i en middelmådig tid. Dette dokumenteres naturligvis på de digitale medier, så venner og bekendte har mulighed for at anerkende denne ikkepræstation.

– Niels Overgaard: Det hele handler ikke om dig, s. 20

Make it till you fake it

The structural differences between in-game play and in-game work are mostly arbitrary, and “real” work is half a game, anyway. Most of the people you see going to work today are LARPing (live-action role playing) an incredibly boring RPG (role-playing game) called “professionalism” that requires them to alter their vocabulary, posture, eating habits, facial expressions-every detail all the way down to what they allow themselves to find funny.

– Cory Doctorow: In real life