Via Angus McLooping på Mastodon – link
Tag: Mastodon
Indgroet ubehag
People learn to use terrible UI all the time. It’s not good to dismiss complaints about UI, because that’s insular. And the insular quality isn’t very welcoming.
But email remains a dominant force in communication. If email were invented today everyone would have to use gmail or not be able to email someone not on the same service. A few crazy people would talk about “open email” and try to get people to try it.
– Mymepropagandist på Mastodon (link)
Moderne prioriteter
A robot may not harm shareholder value nor, through inaction, allow shareholder value to come to harm.
– Benno på Mastodon – Link til indlæg. Realistisk modernisering af Asimovs Three Laws of Robotics
Den bløde bøde
If a “fine” is less than the profit from the infraction, it’s not a fine, it’s a business expense.
If a “fine” isn’t a fixed percentage of assets, it’s not a fine, it’s a poor tax.
If a “fine” only serves to enrich the government, not to make those harmed by the infraction whole, it’s not a fine, it’s a revenue stream.
If a “fine” is adjudicated by people who profit from the business being fined, it’s not a fine, it’s a stock buyback.
– Intertial Invites på Mastodon (link til indlæg)
Efter alt
I don’t understand how COVID is spiking again after we’ve tried everything from pretending it’s over to pretending it never happened
– LordsofHardwired på Mastodon – link til indlæg
Fra spade til spadestik
I’ve stopped caring about new tech and become more political because in general we have sufficient technology to make everyone’s lives better.
The problem isn’t that we don’t have enough or good enough technology. The problem is that the people in power aren’t interested in making everyone’s lives better.
– Mallory på Mastodon – link til indlæg
Værdifuldt versus fyldt værdier i
The bug in capitalism is the implicit assumption that people’s willingness to pay for something indicates it is of positive value. People are willing to invest in a Ponzi scheme because of the opportunity to get rich. That doesn’t mean Ponzi schemes have value to society.
Dare Obasanjo på Mastodon – Link til indlæg
Uventet twist
Until I moved from the dead bird site to Mastodon I never realized that I had so much pent up civility.
– HamOnWry på Mastodon – link til indlæg
Accept no substitutions
Funny how some people think a secret group of rich people control everything instead of the well known group of rich people who control everything.
– @Faktoider på Mastodon – link til indlæg
Checks out
NOTE: your password must contain:
– an uppercase letter
– a lowercase letter
– a number
– the illusion of security
– a special character
– Eric Meyer på Mastodon – link til indlæg