She was like a landscape you see from the train, and you want to stop just there.
– The Living Room, Graham Greene
She was like a landscape you see from the train, and you want to stop just there.
– The Living Room, Graham Greene
The more complex a society becomes, the more fully the law must take into account the diversity of the people who live in it… It is a matter in which the whole society is involved.
– Margaret Mead (via Brainpickings)
Stay with me and help me to clothe my bitter thoughts in lovelier colours.
– Mathilda, Mary Shelley
You came into my life-not as one comes to visit, but as one comes to a kingdom where all the rivers have been waiting for your reflection, all the roads, for your steps.
– Vladimir Nabokov: Letters to Vera
We’re about to run our heads against the same unyielding barrier, and once again, the brass seem to have concluded that our approach isn’t working because we’re not running at the wall fast enough.
– Marko Kloos: Lines of Departure
Nu hvor store dele af befolkningen på kort tid tilsyneladende er blevet eksperter i epidemiologi og virologi kan man jo håbe på tilsvarende løft på andre videnskabelige områder. Jeg foreslår at vi bruger sommerferien på en intens offentlig debat om græsk filosofi. Vi kan jo godt!
– Svend Brinkmann på Twitter
“Humility is the mother of giants. One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.”
– G. K. Chesterton
I wasted time, and now doth time waste me!
– William Shakespeare: Richard III
I’m 35 and have not yet received a call to adventure and am starting to worry I’m not a protagonist.
– Michael Meir Saltzman på Twitter
Så hvad er intellektuel ydmyghed helt præcis? Grundlæggende går det ud på fire ting:
Man kunne også sige det på en anden måde: At være intellektuelt ydmyg handler om at træne hjernen til at tænke mere som en forsker og mindre som en forsvarsadvokat.
– Jesper Olsen: Her er en simpel kur mod dumme skænderier og dybe samfundskonflikter. Den begynder med at erkende, hvor lidt vi egentlig ved. Zetland 05.05.2020