Momentum in spite

“In excited times, a politician needs no power of reasoning, no apprehension of impersonal facts, and no shred of wisdom. What he must have is the capacity of persuading the multitude that what they passionately desire is attainable, and that he, through his ruthless determination, is the man to attain it.”

― Bertrand Russell, Power: A New Social Analysis (1938), Ch. III: The Forms of Power, p. 49

Greater good and grace

“Democracy requires, in fact, a rather difficult combination of individual initiative with submission to the majority. It requires that a man who has strong political convictions should argue for them and do what he can to make them the convictions of the majority, but that if the majority proves adverse, he should submit with a good grace.”

— Bertrand Russell, What Is Democracy? (1953)

Old-fashioned progressive

“I retain the tastes and prejudices of an old-fashioned liberal. I like democracy. I like individual liberty, and I like culture. I do not like to see ignorant or despotic officials interfering needlessly with private lives; I do not like to see creative thought crushed by the tyranny of stupid majorities. I do not like persecution, whether by majorities or of minorities. I am suspicious of government and distrustful of politicians; but insofar as there must be government I prefer that it should be democratic.”

— Bertrand Russell, Citizenship in a Great State (1943)

Udbud og efterspørgsel

Nu er det ikke fordi jeg skal bruge Venstres egen politik imod dem, men rigsretssager er dyre og langsomme – og det er jo fordi der ikke er noget konkurrence!
Jeg foreslår at sende det i udbud. Lige få nogle private udbydere der er vant til afstraffelse til at byde ind. Jeg tænker EuroPark og Bandidos virker som oplagte bud.

– Michael Schøt, Tale fra Schøtministeriet 18.12.2020

Med vilje og lyst til fremtid

På et dybere plan, siger Christina Johansen, handler det samtidig om, hvilke værdier man vil plante i seerne – i børnene. For nyheder er også et dannelsesprojekt. “Det er vigtigt at lære dem, at verden ikke bare består af folk, der er rygende uenige, og hvor intet fungerer. Meget ofte er konflikterne kunstigt oppustede af medierne. Vi skal vise, at man kan snakke om tingene på en ordentlig måde. Give lyst til at engagere sig i samfundet.

Hakon Mosbech: “Vi puster aldrig til dramaet.” Hvad børnenes nyheder kan lære de voksne. Zetland, 11.12.2020